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Nombre del Servicio web

Casinos Analyzer

Objetivo del servicio web

At the same time, many thematic sites place certain casinos in the first places for a particular fee. Reviews of current players can be actually written to order, which is an important indicator.

Salida o información obtenida

Online casinos are quite an attractive option for making money. However, it is difficult to choose a truly reliable platform, because these projects can open and close almost every week. Thanks to the enormous functionality of our website and the use of artificial intelligence to figure out the best casinos by different parameters, each gambler will find the best option for making money.
What information do we offer?

There are many characteristics to consider when choosing a great online casino. It is extremely difficult to analyze hundreds of gambling establishments and compare all offers for yourself. It will take a long time not to make a wrong choice.

Localizacion y repositorio (servidor de aplicaciones)

Localizacion y repositorio (servidor de aplicaciones)

Plataforma de desarrollo

Casinos Analyzer

Protocolo de acceso

Casinos Analyzer

Tiene autenticación? Cúal?

Casinos Analyzer

Cantidad de métodos expuestos, nombres y descripción.

Tipos de datos tanto de entrada como de salida por método

Entradas o parametros requeridos por método

Creado el 11/08/2020 16:11 por  
Última modificación realizada el 11/08/2020 16:11 por