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List Filter - Configuration
Overview Here you can change the location of the filter box and add comments that the enduser can see.
Option Filter Box Location
Value left
Help left, center, or right. You can set where the filter box is displayed by entering in either left, center or right.
Option Comments
Value Comments are optional.
Help You can add comments for the endusers who use this. Leave blank to have no comments show.
Option jQuery File
Help Only change this option if you want to use a local copy of the jQuery file.
---- Change only the gray boxes on this page. ----

Please do not Edit, Change or Add any information below this line.

Filter List:  Filter List | Clear Filter
Option: Expand All GroupsExpand All Groups  (Click to Filter All Grouped Items)

Collapse All GroupsCollapse All Groups   (Click to Reset and Collapse List)
Comments: Comments are optional.
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